Thursday, August 10

Just one day later and have many more stories of what God’s beginning to do… more and more people drawn into the presence of God.

(As a side note, after the word of encouragement Tuesday night, I got home and immediately received a message that seemed so discouraging in spite of what God seems to be doing lately. But…he’s working through it, growing me; and he’ll fix the problem soon enough!)

At Harvest, our Pneumatology class (study of the Holy Spirit) had a prophetic clinic – it’s amazing just spending time with a whole group of people seeking God, hungry for his presence and his word to us today. God gave me a word about waiting on the Lord for new strength, which I shared with the group. Our lecturer felt the need to pray for the chains and burdens weighing upon people, restricting their ministry and fruitfulness – wanting to be completely free of the burdens I often feel, I joined myself in that prayer.

Dropping into church, more encouragement came my way: Kerry wrote a note thanking me for my passion and for what I’m teaching people about who God is. And she gave me this quote:

“Authentic religion has to do with passion, with having passion.”
— Kierkegaard

Caroline was visibly grateful for what I’ve been doing, and when I asked about praise points and answers to prayer, she said she had a great list! She’s excited about the prayer meeting this Monday and is spreading the word to all her leaders about how amazing the last one was. I want to see a large group get touched and revived on Monday! God, take us further and deeper into you! Pour out your Spirit in abundance. Bring us to our knees in worship!

In the evening was our leaders huddle. I spent 90 minutes before-hand, just walking laps of the Waverley footy oval in the freezing cold, praying for a move of God in the house tonight, that he would bring fresh vision and a much needed touch in the lives of youth leaders. Tim joined in for the last 30 mins and together we sought God for more in FUEL and our church. We need reviving.

I asked God to pave the way through for what he wanted to do during the huddle. I find it really hard to stand up and bring God into a situation when someone else has a different agenda, and I never want to go against my pastors, but I’m so grateful for Jeff’s willingness and openness to have time for worship and prayer. With just two songs and some praise, God worked. I had the youth leaders, just seek God and ask for more. Tht we would have more intimacy with him, see more of his power in our lives. Sam spoke up towards the end with an expression of joy at how God had met him powerfully in the few minutes we had been seeking him. I believe others were moved by the Holy Spirit also, as joy and fellowship seemed to flow in the meeting from then on.

Afterward I prayed one on one for another leader and felt a rush of encouragement and hope flood back into them. I really want to minister God’s love and breakthrough power to individuals. I hope crowds and bright lights never eclipse my heart for individual hearts.

Everyone went home, but how could I sleep after that? I went back to the oval, and for another 80 minutes just praised God and interceded for those I knew needing revival. The more God does, and the more he opens me to new wonders and abilities, the more demonic attack I’m going to face. I will need people constantly upholding me and my family in prayer. But last night I told Satan where to go. And it’s not anywhere around me! And he must listen, because I have the authority and seal of the King of kings.

As I walked on the oval, my mind could see the entire ground filled with young people; singing, praying, worshiping. One day, perhaps God will bring revival in such a way that the entire football ground might be filled with people hungry to know God, and the life-changing presence of the Holy Spirit coming to heal and empower witnesses.

Revival town, that's what they're calling this place now
Revival town, it'll put a smile on your face now
Revival town

We're not on our own you know
It's all around the world
'Cos this is the freedom generation
Living for revival in this time

People everywhere are singing
You've turned my mourning into dancing

Well I've got a story to tell
About the King above all kings
You spoke for peace, hope, love and justice
Things that we all need today
You let a broken generation
Become a dancing generation
This revival generation

You may not hear it on the radio
But you can feel it on the air
Hallelujah, people everywhere are singing
Hallelujah, you've turned my mourning into dancing

Revival town, that's what they're calling this place now
Revival town, that's what they're calling this place now
Revival town.

— “Revival Town” by Delirious

Just now, my sister Shelley thanked me for the way our prayer & worship times have recently touched her. “I’ve just been walking around feeling pretty…numb. But at the prayer meeting, at small group, and at the leaders huddle, each time God’s just really seemed so close, and it’s bringing life back into me.” Cade, Jono and Sam would all echo that, among others. Slowly, more and more people are being drawn into the life-changing presence of the King. I’m just praying for a sustained impact, fruit that will last, and not just an emotional experience. Holy Spirit transform us.

Thursday night prayer… tonight! Woohoo! What will God do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've said it atleast once but God is going to use you awesomely, people do not cry out to God they way you do/are and get ignored. Pray hard and stay off the paved road. :)