Wow… Tonight was one of the best I’ve had at Harvest. Driving there, I began with little real expectancy, but I decided to push myself, pray, and ask God for something special – that he might push us further, and grow the culture and attitude of students there. I asked God to speak to us, bring us revelation and insight.
Tonight we had Nick Tsakis, a senior pastor (ex-youth pastor) talk about issues from a senior pastor’s perspective, particularly the issue of a leader’s heart condition. Guarding your heart and keeping it pure. It was brilliant; many challenges and insights. But what particularly moved me, was his prophetic voice directly to me.
He said I had a ‘good spirit’, was ‘hungry’ and ‘asking questions’, and that recently had decided on full commitment to him, and that God wanted to honour that (read my last entry to see that!). That I was going to become someone who worked in miracles and ministered with authority. That although tension might appear from people around me who don’t understand, I was to continue seeking God and completely honour those around me, but discern when to obey or ignore their words.
Nick had never met me before, yet gave a word that was completely relevant and accurate. Praise God, for he knows our hearts, and desires to bring a word in season to encourage and build up. Father, I want to be someone that moves powerfully in the prophetic, bringing encouragement and direction to those you want to touch. Oh God, use me!
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